Paris water feature range - the best value for your money
Our amazing customizable Paris range of water features are our most popular. They are the best value for your money by far compared to all other features. Their prices start from R6000 and go up from there with no upper price limit. We can manufacture almost any size & colour with any number of swivel jets adjustable in seconds at the turn of a valve for height and angle for your preference, including ideal noise levels from a tinkle to high splash to dampen road, music & loud dogs.
The optional variable colour automatic lighting effects brings the water volume to life creating a unique ambience to suit your mind’s eye.
Design is easily upgradable and evergreen never dating and amazingly light weight 2 people by hand can relocate from 1 meter up to 2. 2 meter diameter units.
The really great advantage is being able to locate them in most footprint areas that suits you and that includes keeping within your budget .